Three Reasons We Hit Early Retirement
Baking Bread in a Dog Bowl: The Success of a Financial Portfolio 🥖
How I'm Spending My 40th Birthday
Spending Time on Tax Planning vs. Taking a Second Job
Understanding the Difference: Ordinary Income vs. Capital Gains Tax Brackets
What Personal Finance Gurus Get Wrong About Real Estate Investing
The Million Dollar Mistake: How Missing your First Doubling Period can Haunt Your Investment Future 👻
How does real estate stack up against other investments?
Being a Lone Wolf Beats Following the Pack
Susan's Real Estate Journey
Real Estate Investing can be a Path Around the Glass Ceiling
Want to Build Wealth Faster than Any Other Strategy? Use these Four Tools.
Want to be financially free before 65? Traditional Investing isn’t going to get you there.
Seasons of Financial Freedom
It turns out I kind of hate managing Short-Term Rentals.
Should You Do a Backdoor Roth IRA Conversion?
Finding Your Real Estate Investment Identity: A Guide to Personalized Investing
How to Do a Financial Self Assessment when Getting Started in Real Estate Investing
Can I save on taxes by spreading my funds over multiple properties?
Real Estate Investing as the Cornerstone of Financial Literacy